Annotation Toolbar reference

Arc segment

The only arcs which can be drawn are the arcs which represent one quarter of an ellipse. Arcs are for annotating your designs only, they are ignored by all the special tools.

Arc segments are now part of the polyline tool. See the section on ΓÇ£Adding Text and AnnotationsΓÇ¥ for full details.

To draw an arc select the starting point with the left hand mouse button. Then move or drag to the ending point and click again with the left hand mouse button. If the arc bows the wrong way, then draw the arc in the other direction or select the other arc type (either arc in or arc out) from the toolbar menu or context menu.

You may change the width of the line the arc is drawn with or the colour of the fill of the arc by using the tool dialogue normally displayed in the top right hand corner of the drawing.

Arcs can be edited as part of a polygon or polyline.


Ellipses are only used to annotate designs. They are ignored by all the Special tools.

The only ellipses that can be drawn are those which can be enclosed by a rectangle with its edges parallel to the edges of the design.

To draw an ellipse you must start by moving to one corner of the rectangle that will enclose the ellipse (this rectangle is not actually displayed). Click with the left hand mouse button. Now as you move or drag the mouse the ellipse will be shown. Once the ellipse is in the correct position click again with the left hand mouse button.

You may change the width of the line the arc is drawn with or the colour of the fill of the arc by using the tool dialogue normally displayed in the top right hand corner of the drawing.

Polyline and polygons

Polylines and polygons are provided to annotate your diagrams only. For the most part, they are ignored by all the special tools.

These tools are new to TinyCAD version 1.80.00, and are described fully in the ΓÇ£Adding Text and AnnotationsΓÇ¥ section.


Rectangles are only used to annotate designs. They are ignored by all the Special tools.

To draw rectangles, select the tool on the Toolbar. Then go to the position for one of the corners of the rectangle. Click with the left hand mouse button. Now as you move or drag the mouse the rectangle will be shown. Once the Rectangle is in the correct position click again with the left hand mouse button.

You may change the width of the line the arc is drawn with or the colour of the fill of the arc by using the tool dialogue normally displayed in the top right hand corner of the drawing.


Text is used only to annotate designs, it is ignored by the special tools.

It is often required to have bars over the letters in the text. This can be done by placing the ` character before each letter that needs a bar over it. If a whole word needs to have a bar placed over it then each letter in that word must have a ` before it.

Type the text you wish to add in the dialogue box. As you enter text a rectangle will appear next to the mouse, indicating the size and position of the text.

Move this rectangle with the mouse to where you wish to place it and click with the left hand button.

You can cancel entering text by clicking with the right hand mouse button.

Text can be edited once placed. To do so select Edit Item on the Toolbar. Then click with the left hand mouse button on the text to be edited. A window will appear with the original text in it. You can now alter it as necessary. When finished either click with the left hand mouse button on something else to edit, or click with the right hand mouse button.

Text can be re-sized once placed by using the handles displayed around the item or by using the tool dialogue normally displayed in the top right hand corner of the drawing.